11 am

Owners present:


Board Members Present -

LeRoy Seeley (President), Steve Stemhagen (Vice President), Alice Carey,

Treasurer, Sue Hannah, Secretary, Wilbur Dukes, Bob Robinson, Ron Ward

Board Members Absent -





Open Meeting:

Minutes from the August 27, 2011 board meeting accepted.

Treasurers Report:

Bank accounts:

Key Bank

Sound Bank









$ (1,200.00) Prepaid 2012 dues

$ (5,754.00)

Road Repairs Balance




To Collect





Total remaining operating capital

Savings Reserve fund

Road Repairs reserve







Old Paving Assessment due





Payments received:



Paid to Northern Asphalt:



Phase 1




October patch repair #5 @ $4.50

306 sq. ft. = $1,620 + tax =



Balance in Road Repairs fund

Balance to collect




For Phase 2

Owners on payment plans


No payment expected

No response at all





Policy Compliance Committee report accepted.

From the President:

Welcomed all owners present.

The pump house is approximately 94% complete. LeRoy states he estimates he will need an additional

$128.00 to replace leaking pipes and install an additional spigot for chlorine as required by the state.

Motion made and approved to spend $2,400.00 to replace and repair the pipe of the pump house.

LeRoy stated that the pump house is now well insulated and a heater has been installed. Lower will

also help to decrease our electric bill.

Our consumption of chlorine has been greatly reduced since the water tower was cleaned.

Action item: LeRoy will ask Bill Van Buskirk for next years projected expenses for the upcoming

2012 budget.

Old Business:

Road paving : the contractor completed Phase 1. John and Alice Carey oversaw the entire process.

Several patches will be repaired the first of October - #5 as well as 1 which had been overlooked

originally. Alice stated she has prepared a notebook with notes about where and how each area was

repaired for future reference.

Free roaming dogs: letters will be sent out to owners by the Policy Compliance Committee.

Alice stated that the balance left from Phase 1 will go toward Phase 2. Northern Asphalt will be coming back

out the first week in October to do several driveways for owners and will at this time be repairing the #5 area

and several others.

Alice stated that our budget is based upon the assumption we will collect the entire amount of dues from each

owner; however this is not the case. There are a significant number of owners who refuse to pay for whatever


Alice is proposing that the 2012 budget be approximately $83,000.00. The only discretionary spending is the

landscaping expense.

Discussion: The ditches are the most difficult to do and it was agreed that PL&G should be retained to do

these. TBBC will need to rely upon more volunteers throughout the year to fill in the gaps.

Action item: Ken will prepare a list and a schedule to identify where we can cut back. He will

meet with Tony of PL&G to develop a plan for next season and subsequently present it to the


A number of new liens and new foreclosures were discussed.

Discussion: How liens are placed and corresponding legal fees are applied.

Alice wants to rename the HOA dues to something which conveys more accurately what the annual dues

money goes for.

Treasurers report accepted.

Special Committee Report:

Policy Compliance Committee:

Due to a lack of action taken by the individual named in the petition dated August 20, 2011 and signed

by a Neighborhood committee; Jerry Van Noy presented a signed Violation Complaint Form to the


Action item: The Policy Compliance Committee will follow up with a letter to the named


Letters will also be sent out to several other owners in regards to violations for garbage and

unmonitored dogs.

Settlement Agreement: A question was posed by a realtor in regards to a Settlement Agreement for

6 lots which are up for sale. Mark Roberts, TBBC attorney, determined that the Settlement Agreement

applies to those 6 lots and a letter was sent to the realtor.

Unfinished Business:

Beach sign: The signs have arrived. The cost was $113.00 for both. The signs will be installed in a

better location.

Kens report: Ken presented a plan in which Steve Stemhagen and Wilbur Dukes having been helping

him with for a Beach Erosion Project. Ken said in 2003 he and Tom Carroll attended a Peninsula Light

sponsored workshop on shoreline permitting and bulkheads. What he learned was how best to protect

from beach erosion by securing big logs that high tides bring in with 4 man rocks put in behind and in

front of them . In 2008, he met with Jeff Charbonneau who has repaired our beach before, gave him an

estimate for a more permanent fix. The permanent fix would entail using heavy equipment to place

large rocks and stumps then back fill with smaller rocks. The expense was tabled at that time. The

erosion has worsened and is potentially endangering the beach road.

The temporary repair plan Ken has come up with will cost approximately $621.00 and will require

trimming some trees on TBBC property. The plan is to be executed at the next extreme high tide which

is the end of November.

Motion made and approved to trim/top the necessary trees to secure the bank.

Motion made and approved to use $600.00 from the Reserve fund to repair the beach bank

erosion because it is deemed an emergency.

Ken and others are requesting the speed bump on the beach road be moved as it is in a poor location.

Action item: Request assistance from Northern Asphalt to relocate the speed bump.

Mowing at the sewer plant:

There is no provision found in the contract requiring the sewer plant operator to maintain the landscape.

Steve will purchase and apply blackberry killer. Maintaining the grass will be discussed at a later date.

New Business:

Jeanne Weston’s request: An email was received from Jeanne Weston requesting that trees on the

supposed right of way of Mike and Kaye Downing’s property which are obscuring her view be removed.

An email was also received from the Downing’s in response to Jeanne’s request.

Action item: A letter will be sent to Jeanne Weston requesting further information. Also, a letter

will be sent to Downing’s.

Bob Robinson suggests the board establish a procedure to handle future such requests.

Vandalism: Several weeks ago on a Sunday night, unlocked vehicles were prowled and items stolen

throughout the neighborhood. There was destruction of property as well as a fire set in a recycle

container. People reported hearing voices but no one was identified. A report was filed with the Pierce

County Sheriff dept. The Case # is: 11241034. A camera and a cell phone were found. It is unknown

who these items belong to. Anyone with a loss resulting from this episode is encouraged to contact the

Sheriff’s dept.

Tank cleaning suggestion: An email was received from Elena Williams with a suggestion on how to

pay for the tank cleaning in September. Since a suggested time frame for a non critical maintenance

cleaning by LiquiVision was either for September or March, the board has opted to wait until March

2012. A reply email was sent.

Action item:

Agenda for November meeting to discuss a sign being made for GVW for our roads.

Date of next meeting: Saturday, October 1, 2011 @ 11am Longbranch Community Church

Potluck @ 4pm Beach Cabana ….weather permitting

Meeting adjourned.